Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee

Head of the sector, the ISC chairman is Aleksandr I. Zhamoida, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honoured Scientist of the RSFSR. Tel (812) 328-92-58

The ISC Bureau of Russia operates on the basis of the sector in accordance with the Regulation approved by Order of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources No. 145 of 1.06.2000.

The Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee of Russia (successor to the USSR ISC), established 1955 by a joint decision of the USSR Ministry of Geology and the USSR Academy of Sciences and working at VSEGEI, is the main interdepartmental body organizing and coordinating the activities of the country's stratigraphy.

The Committee, by means of its permanent commissions, provides scientific and methodological guidance through continuous improvement of the stratigraphic base for geological mapping and other geological studies (discussion and approval of regional correlation stratigraphic charts – a base for preparing legends for series of maps), updates the General Stratigraphic Scale based on the most recent materials, discusses fundamental issues of stratigraphy, regularly publishes its regulations, which are mandatory for geological organizations of any institutions of the country.

Three editions of the Stratigraphic Code were prepared by the Committee. The ISC includes 14 commissions on the Precambrian and Phanerozoic systems, three topical and seven regional commissions. The first chairman of the ISC was Academician D.V. Nalivkin; he was replaced by Academician B.S. Sokolov, since 1988 – RAS corresponding member Aleksandr I. Zhamoida.